Do you outsource your tech support to another company? Print

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No. We do not outsource our tech support (or our web development, for that matter) to India or anywhere else.

Everytime you contact us, you'll be dealing with a Jub Jub employee who is US-based and only works for us. This is important for several reasons, but the two main ones are — better service and higher security.

Since we also own and maintain our own servers, our staff have the power and ability to immediately resolve any problems that might occur. We don't point fingers or pass the buck. We take pride in resolving any issues as quickly as possible.

Additionally, since your data is not touched by a third-party who isn't accountable to company management, you can be confident of your data's integrity. Rest assured. You are working with a team of people who are familiar with our systems and who are responsible to you — our customer.

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