How to publish your website using iWeb Print

  • 7

This tutorial will walk you through publishing your website with iWeb to your site hosted on Jub Jub's servers.

Please keep in mind, when you publish your site for the first time, you will want to use the "Publish Site" button to publish your entire website. If you make changes to the website, you'll want to use the "Publish Site Changes" button instead. This will keep from re-publishing every file and only publish files that changes were made to.

  • Open iWeb and load the website you are working with.
  • To set up your publishing settings, click your site title in the left menu.

  • In the Drop-Down "Publish To" Menu, choose "FTP Server".

  • Configure your publishing settings as follows: Select "FTP Server" enter "public_html"

Publishing Settings
Publish To: Select "FTP Server"
Site Name: Enter "public_html"

FTP Server Settings
Server Address Enter "" (be sure to replace this with your actual domain name)
Please keep in mind, if the name record for your website has not yet been updated with your registrar to point to Jub Jub's nameservers, or you have not allowed 4 - 24 hours for propagation, use your server IP address (ie: instead of your domain name. Your site's IP address was included in the initial Web Hosting details that was emailed to you when you signed up for hosting with Jub Jub.
Username Enter your FTP username
Password Enter your FTP password
Directory/Path (leave this blank)
Protocol Select FTP
Port Enter 21
Website URL Enter "" (replacing "" with your actual domain).
Please keep in mind, if the name record for your website has not yet been updated with your registrar to point to Jub Jub's nameservers, or you have not allowed 4 - 24 hours for propagation, use your server IP address (ie: instead of your domain name. Your site's IP address was included in the initial Web Hosting details that was emailed to you when you signed up for hosting with Jub Jub..

Publishing to an Add-on Domain

The settings above should be used when publishing to your primary domain. When publishing to add-on domains. you will need to update your settings slightly. Assuming your add-on domain is "" and its document root is public_html/ you will need to use the following settings:

Publishing to an Add-on Domain
Site Name (replace with your actual domain)
Directory/Path public_html
  • Once you have entered all the FTP information in the fields, you can click the "Test Connection" button to ensure you have entered the correct settings.
  • To Publish your site, click either:

    File - Publish Entire Site (or)
    File - Publish Site Changes

Due to the way iWeb publishes via FTP, the above directions actually have you set the "Site name" to the "Directory/Path", and leave the"Directory/Path" blank. After publishing, iWeb will tell you to access your website via, however you only need to use

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