Where are your servers located and how secure is the location? Print

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Jub Jub runs its hosting operations from the Hosting.com data center in Irvine, CA. It's a custom-designed facility with excellent functional and physical security.

The data center is fully-staffed 24x7x365 by Hosting.com technicians and security personnel and is situated on major Internet backbones, including Verizon, XO, and AboveNet. With multi-zoned fire
suppression, redundant ventilation and cooling units, dual power feeds, and synchronized redundant diesel generators, the facility offers the highest levels of reliability, performance, and uptime.

Moreover, its physical security features ensure your data is always safe and protected. The data center's security infrastructure includes:

- security cameras throughout the building and surrounding area
- facility keycard entrance
- controlled access list
- security corridor/man trap
- biometric hand scanners
- locked server cabinets/cages

In short, only select Jub Jub and Hosting.com personnel have physical access to your server.

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